Stuxnet Revisited: What We Can Still Learn About Infrastructure Cybersecurity
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Stuxnet Revisited: What We Can Still Learn About Infrastructure Cybersecurity

The Stuxnet computer worm, discovered in 2010, represents a watershed moment in the history of cybersecurity. Targeting Iran’s nuclear program, this sophisticated piece of malware was the first of its kind to cause physical damage to industrial equipment. A decade later, its implications still resonate, particularly as we witness an increasing number of cyber attacks…

Malicious Cyber Activity in Australia (ACSC / ASD Report 2022–23)
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Malicious Cyber Activity in Australia (ACSC / ASD Report 2022–23)

Australia faced significant risks from malicious cyber activities, with various actors showing intent and capability to compromise vital systems, according to the Cyber Threat Report (2022-2023) from the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) released this week. Australian networks were targeted by both opportunistic and deliberate cyber activities. The ASD responded to over 1,100 cyber security incidents…